Food · Meaty Main Dishes · Sides and Veggies

Bell Peppers Stuffed with Chili Cheese Tater Tots

I wasn’t high when I came up with this recipe, and I’m not pregnant. You wouldn’t think so though from this crazy concoction though. It was really an attempt to use up leftovers from a huge batch of chili and some bell peppers before they went bad. My plan was actually to shred potatoes to mix in with the chili and cheese, but when I went to grab the potatoes from the pantry I discovered we were out. I kind of already had my mind stuck on trying this potato/chili/cheese stuffed pepper idea. Thankfully I remembered we had frozen tater tots for when the kids won’t eat anything else. Don’t judge.

This actually turned out REALLY good, like a new take on comfort food. The tots broke down and were more like hash browns. It was like a warm and filling hug. I haven’t had a chance to try it out with shredded potatoes, but I’ll let you know how that works out when I do.



Bell Peppers Stuffed with Chili Cheese Tater Tots

4 bell peppers with the top sliced off and insides cleaned out

2 cups frozen tots or hash browns to fill peppers 3/4 full – About 1/2 cup per pepper

1- 1  1/2 cup chili to top each pepper – about 1/4 cup per pepper

1 cup of shredded cheese

Place the peppers in a greased slow cooker. Fill each pepper 3/4 full with tots or hash browns and top remaining with chili. Cook until peppers are tender, about 2 hours on high or 3 to 4 hours on low in a 4 quart slow cooker. During the last 10-15 minutes sprinkle the cheese evenly on top of each pepper and continue to cook until cheese is melted.









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