Week in Review

Week in Review 7/20/18

I hope everyone had a great week. Thanks for checking out my weekly series, Week in Review, posted every Friday. Enjoy a recap of how the week went down, and tell me about yours.

1) What’s gotten my attention this week?

Marco Polo App.  My sister who recently moved out of state talked me into downloading the Marco Polo app on my phone so she could see my kiddos and stay in touch. It’s a video walkie talkie app where you send quick videos back and forth. Anyone else have it? What do you think?

marco polo

2) What post should you check out?

Last week I mentioned that we had a bunch of cucumbers from our little garden. By a bunch I mean like a dozen-ish. I came across this post for Thai Cucumber Salad on the blog In Diane’s Kitchen. She said she picked 40 cucumbers out of her garden. 40!!

I commented in exclamation. Then she responded that they are pulling out about 20 every other day. So Diane blew my mind and has a gorgeous recipe for cucumber salad you should check out.


3) What’s been going on this week?

Not sleeping. Well there’s been some sleep but not much. I’m at that pregnancy stage where indigestion, peeing, and baby’s position is keeping me up or waking me up. I’m pretty tired.

4) What’s going on this weekend?

A lake trip. My family is going on big group trip to the lake. I’ve been weary of it because I’m 8 months pregnant in July in Oklahoma. Also I have a son who loves water and tends to run off in new places. We are going to try it though. Wish me luck.

5) Did you miss this post?

Book Reviews: Look Alive Out There, Different Seasons, and American War

If you’ve read any of these I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.  Also tell me about what you are reading now. Anything good?


6) What did my kids create?

We (and by “we” I mean my husband) put down a new floor in the living room recently. So the bits of left over planks have been put to good use. Games and obstacle courses have been built on the back porch.


Thanks for reading. How was your week? What are you up to this weekend?

– Lacey 

22 thoughts on “Week in Review 7/20/18

  1. The recipe looks great. Will try it soon. If it’s rainy here this weekend, I’m going to start scanning old family photos into the computer. If it’s dry here this weekend, we’re going to start hauling stone down into the terrace level for a landscaping project. In either case, I’m having a practical weekend. You take care. I hope you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for sharing my Thai Cucumber Salad recipe! We only have 8 plants in two 4’ x 4’ raised beds and have picked about 100 cucumbers and they are still coming! These are full size huge cucumbers too! I have no idea how we are getting so many but it has been fun sharing with friends and family and making wonderful dishes like this Thai Cucumber one!

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  3. New floors!! Hooray!! Larry did that in our kitchen a few years back and it took so much longer than we thought it would! Sounds like you’ve done a real big fix up! And I have a friend who uses Marco Polo. Her daughter and son-in-law are traveling around the world for a whole year– so every week she shows me their videos from South Africa, Zurich… She’s so thankful they can keep in touch! Plus love the cucumber recipe– I have a bag of cucumbers moldering in the fridge– time to use them! Plus– glad you’re getting to the lake!! Will it be cooler?? Hope you get to relax and everyone else watches kids in the water while you be the expectant mom on the porch! Fun Friday post Lacey!! Always love reading your week through… xox

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    1. Hey Rhonda! How did your weekend end up going??
      Oh my husband is a champ (and Larry too!) for the new floors. I’m glad we got it finished before the baby.
      So I wonder a lot about people who are able to travel around the world. That sounds SO amazing. Do they have a plan? Go where the wind takes them? Save money before they go or work along the way? It fascinates me. What a neat way to keep in touch too!
      We went to the lake during the hottest day of the year so far! The kids and I stayed half the time we were supposed to but had a good time.


      1. Sounds like fun for the kids!! We’re in Wisconsin now for a week to see our daughter Laurel & her husband John. Today we’re going out on John’s boat– through some canals, up the locks and into the big lakes. Should be fun! And it’s cooler here than in California!! hugs hugs friend.

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      2. I saw a picture on facebook page, and it looks like you are having fun. A cooler time on the lake sounds good to me! Enjoy!


  4. Hi Lacey! I’ve heard of Marco Polo, though I don’t have it. Is it fun?

    I hear you on the not sleeping. I have a meditation or two that may help. Are you interested? If yes, email me and I’m happy to pass them along.

    Have a beautiful weekend Lacey! Love to you and your family 😊 Debbie

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    1. The jury is still out on Marco Polo. I’m not sure exactly how it’s any different than sending a video. My sister seems into it though, so we’ll keep doing it!
      Oh medication yes, I should have thought of that! That’s a great idea, Debbie, thank you.

      How was your weekend?

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      1. I’m so glad, Lacey. You’re welcome!

        It was wonderful – thank you for asking. So full of expansion with a new possible place to live, opening to new coaching opportunities, and lots of relaxation and nurturing. Bless you Lacey, thank you again for asking! 🙂
        Love, Debbie

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