Week in Review

Week in Review 10/20/17

I hope everyone had a great week. Thanks for checking out my weekly series, Week in Review, posted every Friday. Enjoy a recap of how the week went down and tell me about yours.


1) What’s gotten my attention this week?

The Me Too movement. This one tweet by Alyssa Milano seemed to take all social media outlets by storm this week. I thought and chewed on this a lot. I do think it’s important to shed light on the magnitude of the issue. At the same time, I can see so many reasons why women might not want to open themselves up by publicly declaring this.

Either way, this is important. There are important things happening RIGHT NOW. I pray for our country and world to be stronger and better. I pray for victims of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse. I pray this is not as common for our children. I pray.

Me Too.


2) What blog should you check out?

Keda with an I. Keda blogs about “navigating life with a vagina.” I knew we were going to be fast blog friends when I stumbled across a post of hers entitled “Women go through a ton of shit – Imma Blog About It”. Her blog isn’t feminist rants. It is an honest and often times funny look at her life and female experiences. I also like that she cusses. I mean, not in a filthy potty mouth way, but in a somehow appropriate and relatable way. I really enjoy her blog and encourage you to check it out.

***If you want your blog highlighted on a Week in Review post, leave a link in the comments by clicking here


3) What’s been going on this week?

Beautiful weather. It feels like fall finally. The mornings are chilly, and afternoons are sunny and crisp. Since I have been feeling better this week (allergies had been trying to murder me), we have tried to soak up as much of this weather as possible. There have been midday walks, trips to the park, and eating outside. It’s been lovely, and I hope it lasts.

Butterfly on flower
Taken on a trip to the park with the kiddos this week.

4) What’s going on this weekend?

Brunch. Besides continuing a mix of rest and taking advantage of how pretty it is outside, I am meeting my cousin for brunch. We don’t see each other as much as we would like, but we try to always make it a point to meet in October, her birthday month. She is someone that has helped me and loved me at low points and supported and celebrated with me during high points. She is amazing, and I look forward to any time I get to spend with her. And also I love brunch.


5) Did you miss this post?

White Bean Chicken Chili. You want this recipe to make this fall. For real.

White Bean Chicken Chili

Thanks for reading. How was your week? Tell me, what are you up to this weekend?

– Lacey 

21 thoughts on “Week in Review 10/20/17

  1. Yay, Lacey, I’m glad you’re feeling better! Enjoy the outdoors & have a magnificent brunch with your cousins. 🙂 🙂 Hope you and your kids are doing well. Love, Love Love Debbie
    ps – feel free to contribute to Forgiving Fridays if you ever are called to do that. It would be an honor …. and you can post whatever opens your heart & inspires you to focus on forgiveness, peace, compassion, etc. Happy Forgiving Fridays, Lacey!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whew, I’ve got mixed feelings about the Me Too deal. On one hand, it’s powerful when victims are people you know & love… it could make the issues seem more relevant.

    On the other… there’s nothing to distinguish assaults from harassment, which could include unwanted flirting (which probably every woman has experienced at some point). But there probably wouldn’t be that many women openly declaring they’ve been assaulted if it were limited to that, so… I don’t know.

    Apparently, some men felt it was sexist because men weren’t included (and men can be harassed and assaulted too). I don’t know… I typically avoid anything involving “like or share if….” on social media, either way.

    On a lighter note, that is a GREAT butterfly photo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes those are all good points. I think I see all sides. I did see some people giving examples that seemed helpful and others that seemed like they were stretching the intent. I guess that comes from exactly what you said about there was nothing to distinguish between the two. These are issues I think we do need to talk about and educate about, but yeah I’m not super into doing that via Facebook. I guess that’s my long, disjointed way of saying I have mixed feelings too. It did get my attention this week though.


  3. I agree on the womens’ issue– not all women are able to speak out in public, but every women abused or harassed should have someone to talk with, to know and to understand and support. And so glad you’re on the mend!! hooray! And fall weather is a plus! We have hot days ahead this week, a couple over 100 degrees! crazy! Love your Friday posts… hugs from here Lacey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my goodness, 100 degrees in October. That’s crazy. We had a tornado south west of this weekend which is really weird to happen in October.
      Did you have a good weekend?


      1. Yep, we had the young adult leader team from church in for snacks Sunday — love them! And a baby shower for two of my nieces with all the family– so fun! And how are you doing by now?? Past the allergies– hope so! xoxo

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