Week in Review

Week in Review 4/14/17

I hope everyone had a great week. Thanks for checking out my weekly series, Week in Review, posted every Friday. Enjoy a recap of how the week went down and tell me about yours.


1) What’s gotten my attention this week?

Trader Joe’s. Yeah I am like 2 million years late to this party. The first million years I was late because Oklahoma just didn’t have a store here. The second million was because when Trader Joe’s did make it Oklahoma City, it was built all the way on the other side of town where I have really no reason to go. Like ever.

But alas, I had an event to attend near-ish there and left early to check out this Trader Joe’s place. I’ve been curious what all the hub-ub has been about. Payday was still a week away, and having somewhere to be right after forced me to not get any refrigerated items and limited my browsing time. Otherwise I may have happily shrugged and over-drafted from buying up the entire freaking store. It’s amazing (as you are probably already very well aware)

It’s Aldi prices but with a more fun selection and presentation. I left with just a few things. Later at home after my husband tried a spoonful of cookie butter he kinda perked up and asked, “Where is this place?”

I answered, “We get paid on Friday. I’ll show this weekend!”


2) What blog should you check out?

Assholes Watching Movies.  A few notable things about this blog: 1) It’s cool to get different perspectives. The blog has 3 writers that post reviews. 2) The movies they watch are from wide range or sources (and genres), like from Netflix, to movie festivals, to what’s in the theaters. 3) The analysis is interesting and on point, at times funny and at times offering related information about the industry.

3) What’s been going on this week?

It’s been a slow week, but if you read last week’s Week in Review, you’ll know I was going to Mom Prom. So here’s some pics from that thanks to Cassie Duffle Photography. Highlights included being part of a flash mob, an awesome swag bag, macaroons, and dancing.

I’m still feeling bad that I misinformed my cousin. The whole prom wasn’t an 80s prom, just our little group. So she showed up decked out worthy of Paula Abdul’s envy and watched 100 woman wearing 2017 cocktail dresses enter the venue. Yikes! I cussed myself, apologized to her, and she was a good sport (because she rightfully could have been pretty mad :/).


4) What’s going on this weekend?

Easter.  When we first started our little family I tried to put in place some annual Easter traditions. But after a few years I learned that our extended family is so big that going to church on Easter is going to be about the most consistent thing we do. This year I know we are doing an egg hunt and family lunch. (BTW why after 30+ years am I only now realizing how weird some Easter celebrations are? What does a bunny have to do with eggs? And not even in a “It’s taking away from the true meaning of Easter” way. All on it’s own, that’s weird.)

If you are having a small celebration or an Easter brunch, check out my recipe for Croque Madame. You won’t have to make an entire ham but will still be able to incorporate it into your menu.

Croque Madame with yolk

5) Did you miss this post?

Happy National Pet Day. Tuesday was National Pet Day so I posted a thank you to our 2 family pets. Click the link for lots of smiles and ahhhhs.


Also National Grilled Cheese Day. This post has tips and recipes for grownup updates for grilled cheese sandwiches. I don’t usually celebrate so many made up “National” days, but 2 that were about some of my favorite things just happened to fall this week.

Chicken Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich


Thanks for reading.

How was your week? Tell me, what are you up to this weekend?


18 thoughts on “Week in Review 4/14/17

  1. Aw, thanks for the mention!

    Love your side pony at mom prom.

    I am so jealous of your Trader Joe’s outing. I’m glad that you’re as nerdy as I am about it – of course we have none in Canada but I always hear about it and it always sounds so fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jay!
      Yes my husband is laughing at me because I’m already planning what we are getting at our next Trader Joe’s outing. He thinks I”m the only person who would get excited about a grocery store lol


  2. The kids are at home today but I am at work. They are coloring eggs with their mom and grandparents. I am surfing the internet when I should be working.

    We have the same Trader Joe’s problem here, there is one in Nashville but it’s like 20 miles away from where I live. Oh well, I hear it’s nice. Luckily Aldi is only 10 minutes away 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Olive oil is king there! $8.99 for 1 liter bottle of good quality olive oil. I use the 100% Greek kalamata olive oil. Also, try the sriracha hummus. It’s sooooo good. And plantain chips!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Love love the prom photos Lacey!! looks like a blast! And —we have a Trader Joe’s across town (our town is much much smaller than Oklahoma City!) and I”m heading over this afternoon. It does have a whole lot of interesting items. I was eating lunch with a bunch of friends once and we all started talking about wheat we by there– so many things I have never heard of! I love their little frozen minced garlic packs– like mini ice cube trays of 1 clove garlic in each. And they have the best Spanish olive oil. And, of course, we like the prices– cheap flowers and greeting cards! OK, I could go on… Love your weekly reviews! hugs Lacey!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t think you can find nuts or olive oil cheaper, even at Trader Joe’s. We get a little of everything, except meat, from there. That’t only because we get our meat from a butcher shop in a meat pack. So we don’t need to shop for meat very often.


      2. Yes! For like 79 bucks we get steaks, pork chops, a roast, ground beef, probably something else I’m forgetting. There’s not chicken, but you can add that on. So about once a month we get a pack. We’ve gotten pretty spoiled and snobby about our meat because it’s soooo good.


      3. Sounds like a great deal Lacey– especially for meat you know will be good! Seems like your part of the country is known for good beef. Take care friend… xo


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