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5 Things That Have Bugged Me Lately


I’ve been irritable lately. I blame it on the migraines. When I have them frequently, they just start to chip away at me. Not to be a full blown Debbie Downer, but here’s the top 5 things that’s gotten under my skin. Maybe getting them off my chest will lighten me up.

  1. I keep getting stuck behind people trying to turn left out of a parking lot onto a busy street when I am trying to go right.
  2. I’ve almost been hit by several people talking on their phones while driving. Once was by 2 different cars at the same intersection.
  3. When I forget my lunch I tend to go to Panera Bread. There’s one close to my work. It’s fast. It makes me feel like I am making a better choice than going to any other fast food place.  The portions are so small though. I’ll eat, still be hungry, and have just spent 10 bucks.
  4. I’ve been to a few stores where other customers take up the entire aisle and act like (or don’t care) that other people are shopping and can’t get by.
  5. My kids earned a free slushy from Sonic for completing the summer reading program at the library. When we went to redeem it Sonic’s slushy machine was broken. They could do a cream slushy but were going to charge us extra. We went to Sonic for those slushies and ended up spending money on other menu items. It wasn’t our fault the slushy machine was broken. I thought that was poor customer service.

Has anything been on your nerves?

27 thoughts on “5 Things That Have Bugged Me Lately

  1. Oops! The worst place to shop these days seems to be Costco… with samples at the end of most rows people will just stop, leave their cart in the middle of the aisle and stand in line for a sample! Ugh.

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  2. Shame, I am sorry your migranes haven’t improved Lacey.
    I had to smile with your end question… and Yes, I have been on my own nerves 🙂 it’s me ! I just can’t settle and get things done ! Procrastination is my middle name this week !!!
    And, as for the cellphone thing, I am 100% with you.
    Have a good week, and I hope you feel better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aww sending you blessings, Lacey!! Everything is better when you get it off your chest, isn’t it? ❤ So important to let go like that. I love you.

    I'm in process of moving and not exactly sure where I'm going. Sometimes I let that irritate me, because it's taking longer than I think it "should". Could I stop and smell the roses? YES! (and sometimes I do) Thanks for asking.
    Blessings to you Lacey. Adorable photo — Debbie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debbie, what a great point. We get irritated when things don’t go how they “should”. Also, I think moving in general is always stressful. Are you staying in your area or making a bigger move?


  4. Hi Lacey– good list– I think we could all agree on most of those! I’d add, people who don’t RSVP when you’re planning a dinner. And I especially agree with the grocery cart one. Just pull over to the side please!! Hope you have a migraine free weekend!! hugs friend!


    1. I somehow missed this comment from last month!
      I was JUST talking with a friend about this. This is a good one. Yes, nobody RSVPs anymore. It makes planning tough.


      1. Hi Lacey– yep, we all have our pet peeves– but thankfully we can overlook most of them– and hope people overlook it when we’re annoying! Great post! You have a gift of bringing up interesting topics! xox

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  5. Unnecessary “quotations” and apostrophe’s. (see what I did there) I’m by no means a grammar expert, but these are two things that I see on social media that really irk me! Also, “I seen” and “could of” instead of “could have.” Those really pet my peeves as well!

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