Week in Review

Week in Review 7/27/18

I hope everyone had a great week. Thanks for checking out my weekly series, Week in Review, posted every Friday. Enjoy a recap of how the week went down, and tell me about yours.

1) What’s gotten my attention this week?

Discount Tire. The hubs and I have been super duper impressed with this company. The location in Del City has patched some tires for us free of charge. So of course when we needed tires replaced they got our business. I took my car into the NW Expressway location this week because I had a slow leak in one of my tires they had previously patched. They replaced the tire for free.

Everyone knows it sucks anytime you have tire issues. You guys also know how much I hate getting my oil changed. As a woman it feels like someone is always trying to take advantage of me when it comes to anything car related. This though is a good, honest company who will have our business as long as they are in business. If there’s one near you, it is worth giving them a try the next time you need tire help.

2) What post should you check out?

Anyone else’s kid a runner-awayer? Generally I avoid overcrowded places with the kids but still found this post about How to Keep your Kids Save in Crowded Places helpful. I’ve been considering #4 anyway.

3) What’s been going on this week?

We survived the lake trip. The kids had fun, and the heat didn’t kill me.

My lil guy also turned six. SIX!! On his actual birthday we did some of his favorite things, like had donuts for breakfast and played in the water.

4) What’s going on this weekend?

The official birthday party for my son is happening this weekend. It’s my first time doing a “birthday package” at a venue. Usually I think these are overpriced, but I found a reasonable one. For some reason the kids’ birthday parties always wear me out. My hope is I won’t be totally exhausted if all we have to do is show up with the cake.

5) Did you miss this post?

Here is a fun post from last summer about the day I bought 12 fried pies. Mmmmm fried pies . . .

This is what a box full of fried pies look like.

6) What did my kids create?

A train ramp out of their bunk beds, toy bins, and toy trains. The picture isn’t great, but I think you can still get a good idea of what they were going for.


Thanks for reading. How was your week? What are you up to this weekend?

– Lacey 

12 thoughts on “Week in Review 7/27/18

  1. Happy Birthday Lincoln!! Sounds like a smart move doing a birthday package this year– with the move and the baby on the way… Hoping it goes swimmingly!! And just that he’ll have tons of fun! And– really liked the keeping kids safe on the OK mom’s blog! We lost our Micah at the beach in Spain when he was about 5. It was a holiday and super crowded and we searched for almost at hour (crying and praying). But he had gone into a red cross station down the beach when he knew he was lost. So scary. And — I’m with you on car maintenance! I just want it to run with no help (gas??) from me! Happy Birthday Party!! Hope we hear about it next week! xox

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    1. Oh my goodness, isn’t that the most scary feeling in the whole world, when they are lost? Linc’s done it 2 or 3 big times. He gets far fast. So I have lots of self imposed rules about where and when we go places.


  2. Happy birthday to you your guy! when my kids were younger I’d panic all the time when we went anywhere. I had two hands and two toddlers. Or Richard and I each had hold of one. Then I learned that it was easier to teach them boundaries. When they were about 3 and 4 we started not holding hands in spaces and they knew they had to be able to see us. They also had to be in ear shot. It took time. But, they learned to stay with us. We were then able to give them more space as they got older. But, you have to determine what your child is safely capable of understanding.

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    1. Thank you, we may have to have a birthday detox next week.
      I think the eloping with him is part of his sensory issues and autism. It’s usually in unfamiliar places. So I try to not to take him anywhere new unless it’s one or one or I have reinforcements in tow.


      1. children with autism have challenges in new places no matter what the space looks and feels like to everyone else. you will figure it out and how to make it work for you and him.

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  3. You should do number 4 (brand your child)! We just ran a story about kids eloping and drowning a few weeks ago and the statistics are startling. Semi permanent ID was one of the tips recommended!

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  4. Hi Lacey! Sorry for the delay on this – happy belated birthday to Lincoln. What a sweet birthday photo of your kids (OMG). Hope you had a wonderful party. And their train adventure creation is super cool.

    Hope you have a good weekend. I’m at the end of a coaching program (continuing my own education as a professional coach) and am then going into a 5 day retreat for a sweet program, Consciousness, Health and Healing. So if I don’t check posts much this week, that’s why!

    Love you Lacey. ❤ Debbie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get it, Debbie. I have been able to catch up on blog reading about once a week, but it makes me feel so behind still.

      Love that you are continuing education. You are fantastic and I know getting better everyday.


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