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I do what I want… regarding my blog.

Every piece of blogging advice I have come across suggests narrowing your blog’s focus or having a niche to blog about. I agree that that makes perfect sense. I see the logic behind how that would let your readers know what to expect from you and how that would help your blog grow.

But I don’t want to do that, not right now anyway. Maybe it’s because my blog is in it’s infancy or maybe it’s because I am scatter brained. Maybe as I continue to blog the focus will naturally narrow, but right now I want to write about whatever comes to mind that I want to write about. Right nowย it’s a lot about food and kids and family. I expect that will continue, but sometimes it’s about a show we watched or some HR advice from my experience working in hiring departments. I realize I am all over the place, but for now I like it that way.

Sooooo just a heads up that my next posts my vary from being about a breakfast casserole to the Gilmore Girls to resume writing tips. . . whateva I do what I want.












57 thoughts on “I do what I want… regarding my blog.

  1. I have the same problem! There are so many blogs out there, they say it’s best to specialize… I’ve got a parenting blog, but ideally, you focus on a certain age group and then on specific issues, etc etc.

    That’s tough though. Life isn’t that narrow. I want to talk about other stuff too.

    I’m thinking this is hard for people who like to write, because liking to write usually means being interested in life in general, it’s many different surprises and forms. I feel ya ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree! My blog talks a lot about parenting, but I like to think of it mostly as a conversation starter….love to read people’s responses and thoughts on whatever the topic du jour is!
    You do YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I so agree! I tried writing 2 or 3 blogs for awhile but 1 or 2 always suffered. I made them into one and I write what I want. I am happy that matters most to me.

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  4. I write what ever I want too. I think I’d run out of ideas very quickly if I had to post about one topic only. How boring would blogging be, right? I think your blog is great as is and you are an awesome blogger. I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. I’d love it if you accepted, but it’s non-compulsory. Check out the link for more details https://homehugshuskies.wordpress.com/2016/05/10/one-lovely-blog-award/. Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  5. Agree! Unless you want to be a polished professional blogger, I think it’s better just to be yourself. Including things about your family, about life, just makes you more a real person in the anonymity of the internet. I like you blog Lacey!! so keep on writing… take care! xo

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  6. Great post and I completely agree with you. In a way my blog is a mess of topics too. It bothers me a little but I realized I just had too much to write about and it didn’t make any sense to force myself to write about just one topic. As long as the posts I put out make me happy and can garner a comment/like or two I am happy ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Same here! I tried to read all these complicated articles about how to do Search Engine Optimization and tag certain words, and name posts certain things, and I realized I cannot do that with my blog. It is not a travel blog, not a parenting blog, not a how-to blog. I have written zero posts that anyone would ever find by entering words into Google. So, yeah. Let’s do what we want ๐Ÿ™‚

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  8. I can connect with you in so many different levels. I am Just as scatter brained as you think you are. Writing about almost anything that pops into my head. It just makes me happy. Lets continue to do what we want. ๐Ÿ™‚

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